When I am stressed, it really hinders my ability to function. I freeze up. My brain seems to shut down and I can't think straight. Every time I try to think about something remotely important (in any way, shape, or form) I get even more stressed.
Sometimes the stress only lasts for a little while, and after a talk with my mom, encouragement from a few friends, prayer, and MANY deep breaths, it’s over, and I realize I didn’t need to be that stressed.
Then other times I have a MEGA STRESS BREAKDOWN.
No matter how much comfort my family and friends supply it only makes me feel better for a few minutes. Productivity becomes impossible. Every small thing that happens to me seems to be TEN TIMES worse than it actually is. And I even know that things aren’t as bad as I have told myself. But for some reason I can't shake the SUPER STRESSED feeling. It’s now when I really can appreciate my homeschooling to the proper degree. When my mind blows, a fuse I can take the day off to calm myself down and give my worries to God.
In these times there is really only one thing that will give me peace in my stress. And that is Christ.
So when you're dealing with a MEGA STRESS ATTACK (or even just normal stress) remember God is there, knowing every bit of what you feel, and that he will give you peace.
Psalms 46:10
Matthew 6:27
Matthew 11:28
John 14:27